Welcome to CigarTiger, where we offer low prices on many brands of filtered cigars, and speedy customer service.  Let CigarTiger save you time and money...we deliver your favorite brands of filtered cigars to your door at discounted prices.  We specialize in filtered cigars, and we can save you a lot of money in the long run. 

Filtered cigars are similar to cigarettes in size and flavor, but they have a unique feature that differentiates them from cigarettes...they are wrapped in tobacco, rather than paper. So they taste a bit different than cigarettes. 

We think filtered cigars are fantastic, and we want everyone who smokes to try them.  Keep in mind they do taste a bit different than cigarettes.  If you are new to filtered cigars, try a carton of our #1 selling brand, Richwood.  If you like them, your wallet will thank you...over and over again!

We also offer a wide variety of many popular brands such as
Red BuckCheyenne, Smokin JoesSkydancer and Swisher and many more!